

I have a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social work, am a former Licensed Clinical Social Worker turned HypnoBirthing instructor turned Hypnotherapy practice owner turned wellness badass entrepreneur.

But owning my own practice meant that if a kid got sick or a client cancelled, I was losing out on income."

My husband, Scott, has a Bachelor’s Degree in kinesiology, is a former massage therapist turned elementary school teacher and now partners full-time with me in our Young Living business. We’ve been married for 20 years and have been together since 1992. We’ve got 2 kids—a son that’s off to college and a daughter in high school plus two adorable rescue dogs, Baxter & Bailey. We live in Southern California in our dream home overlooking the ocean.

In 2013, I was stressed out to the max, our marriage was struggling and we had so much debt, we had no idea how we would ever pay it all off, let alone pay for college and retirement. Sound familiar?

My HypnoBirthing & Hypnotherapy practice were doing great but it wasn’t reliable income. Because I owned my own practice, if I took time off or needed to stay home because one of the kids was sick, I wasn’t earning anything. Scott’s teaching salary was good but it wasn’t like he had the opportunity for his income to increase by much. We had no extra money to put away for retirement—we were barely able to afford the minimum payments on all of our credit cards.

can you relate ?

Once I started using Young Living essential oils and felt the difference, I couldn’t shut up about them.